Miriam Mirah, brazilian, already known as a great interpreter since the she created
the Musical group Tarancón, played na important role in 5 phonographic
works of the group, with which crossed the whole country in more than one thousand
presentations througout nine years, is considered the muse of the latin music
in Brazil.
Her solo career specially highlighted by the song Mira Ira (Lula Barbosa – Vanderlei de Castro), in the Globo Television Festival, in 1985, that took "Som Livre" records to reach more than 500.000 copies of the Festival LP. In the nineties developed a sound she called Caribe-Brasil, that produced the CD Cuba Nagô, promoting various dancing shows. She is in Raíces de América since January of 2002, and currently is performing a solo show in which she comemorates thirty years of professional career, carrying a cast of songs representing a retospective of her career that soon is going to be recorded in a new CD.
contact: miriammirah@raicesdeamerica.com